Getting Started with OverDrive & Libby

Borrow ebooks and audiobooks anytime, anywhere with OverDrive, our virtual library service! You can read ebooks on just about any device – computers, Kindles, tablets, even on your phone! Audiobooks are a fantastic way to spend a long commute, to make a story come alive, and to engage young readers.

Learn About Overdrive

Using EPL’s OverDrive subscription, cardholders get access to thousands of ebooks and audiobooks right from the comfort of home. Renewing books is easy and returns are automatic!

OverDrive gives you access to the State Library’s digital media collection – more than 17,000 ebooks, 12,000 audiobooks, and 3000 digital magazine titles!

We’ve put together some information and links to help you get started with OverDrive. As always, if you have any questions, you can come down to the library or contact us. Getting started with new technology can sometimes feel daunting, so we’re happy to help you learn how to use this excellent service!


This video briefly mentions the OverDrive mobile app which was retired in 2023.
Only the Libby app is used now!

P.S. There’s an app for that!


Libby is an app made especially for libraries by OverDrive. You can use this app to manage your ebook loans, browse OverDrive, download and stream audiobooks, and more. You do not need the Libby app to use OverDrive. It’s just a convenience that many people enjoy!

Libby App
								 								 								 								 						Get the Libby app

Features of the Libby app

  • Libby can send your library books right to your Kindle (if you have one).
  • Or use Libby’s state-of-the-art ebook reader on your device.
  • Enjoy audiobooks in your car through Apple CarPlay, Android Auto, or a Bluetooth connection.
  • Increase audiobook playback speed or set a sleep timer.
  • Download books and audiobooks for offline reading or stream them to save space on your device.
  • All your loans and holds are consolidated on a single shelf.
  • Keeps track of your reading history in the Activity tab.
  • Positions, bookmarks, and notes are kept in sync across all devices.
  • Try a zoomable graphic novel or a picture book with read-along audio.